I am always fascinated to watch tangueros and tangueras dancing a perfect and centered pivots. I have tried many ways to master these pivots, using muscles, power, looseness, concentration... the result was nearly always dissatisfying - either I did not turn enough or I fell out of my axis. This summer I had two single lessons with a teacher and I asked him all my questions. He observed closely and was able to give me many answers. When asked about my trouble with the pivots, he got a jacket on a coat hanger and twisted the lower part of the jacket. Then he let go – the jacket swung open and back into its "natural" hanging position, overturning even a bit. I tried to adapt this effect on my pivots, practicing a row of ochos. And it works! The dissociation of the body creates a tension in the body (the twisted jacket). When letting go, the energy of this tension makes me turn very easily and naturally, without any muscle work except for that beforehand bringing me into the dissociated position. All I have to do is make sure I am straight on my axis. I have finally gotten a grasp of the power and potential in the dissociation as a motor for my pivots. Thank-you Augusto Balizano for this impulse!
Tango lernen scheint gleichzeitig sehr schwer und sehr einfach... Eine Zeichnerin nimmt den Leser und Betrachter in diesem Blog mit zu einem völlig neuen Abenteuer, entdeckt, lacht, verzweifelt, lernt. Can I tango? Maybe!
Is tango easy or terribly hard? A graphic artist goes on an adventurous trip into the world of
the tango - discovering, laughing, struggling,despairing, learning. Can I tango? Maybe!
Mittwoch, 28. August 2013
The Motor of Dissociation - Der Motor der Torsion
I am always fascinated to watch tangueros and tangueras dancing a perfect and centered pivots. I have tried many ways to master these pivots, using muscles, power, looseness, concentration... the result was nearly always dissatisfying - either I did not turn enough or I fell out of my axis. This summer I had two single lessons with a teacher and I asked him all my questions. He observed closely and was able to give me many answers. When asked about my trouble with the pivots, he got a jacket on a coat hanger and twisted the lower part of the jacket. Then he let go – the jacket swung open and back into its "natural" hanging position, overturning even a bit. I tried to adapt this effect on my pivots, practicing a row of ochos. And it works! The dissociation of the body creates a tension in the body (the twisted jacket). When letting go, the energy of this tension makes me turn very easily and naturally, without any muscle work except for that beforehand bringing me into the dissociated position. All I have to do is make sure I am straight on my axis. I have finally gotten a grasp of the power and potential in the dissociation as a motor for my pivots. Thank-you Augusto Balizano for this impulse!
Samstag, 10. August 2013
My Inner Fountain - der innere Springbrunnen
In search of the ideal tango posture |
Ich finde es eine der größten Herausforderungen im Tango, die richtige Haltung zu finden, diesen perfekten Mix aus Spannung und Lockerheit. Ist die Spannung zu groß, können Führungsimpulse nicht gesendet oder aufgenommen werden, die Beine nicht locker sein und Nackenschmerzen sind vorprogrammiert. Ist die Spannung zu gering, ist es schier unmöglich die eigenen Achse zu fühlen und zu halten, jede Drehung bringt einem aus der Balance. So richtig kann man es nicht benennen, was diese optimale Mischung ausmacht, deshalb bin ich immer auf der Suche nach aussagekräftigen Bildern. Letzte Woche schenkte mir meine Lehrerin Nina Gjurkov ein grandioses Bild. Für sie sei die optimale Haltung wie ein Springbrunnen. Das Wasser stößt mit großer Kraft und Energie in der Mitte nach oben bis zu einem gewissen Punkt, um dann, der Gravitation folgend einfach wieder nach unten zu fallen. Eine innere Spannung zieht uns nach oben, öffnet die Brust, während außen die Schultern, Arme, Hüfte und das unbelastete Beine entspannt und schwer nach unten fallen, wie das Wasser, dass dem natürlichen Gesetz der Erdanziehung folgt. Perfekt, oder?
I constantly struggle to find the right posture in tango, to find this perfect mixture of tension and relaxation. If there is too much tension, the communication fails, legs are not relaxed and an ache in the nuke or the back is sure as death. If there is too little tension, it is impossible to find and stay on ones axis, every turn bringing you off balance. It is difficult to put into words what is needed for this perfect mix and I am always looking for images to transport the idea. Last week, my teacher Nina Gjurkov shared a wonderful image. To her, the perfect tango posture is like a fountain. Water is forced upwards with a controlled energy until at a certain turning point where gravity prevails it simply falls back down. Our inner tension lifts us up, opens our chest while on the outside our shoulders, arms, hip and free leg just drop downwards, following the natural law of gravity as does the water in the fountain. Isn't that just a perfect image?
Donnerstag, 8. August 2013
Noch ganz sprachlos – Still Speachless
Ariadna Naveira & Fernando Sanchez in Aarhus |
Ich bin noch ganz sprachlos von meinen Erlebnissen am letzten Wochenende im dänischen Aarhus. Die Dänen veranstalten dort seit einigen Jahren ein Tango Festival, welches sich sehen lassen kann. Steilvorlage für ein gepflegtes Namedropping: Ariadna Naveira & Fernando Sanchez, Gustavo Naveira & Giselle Anne, & Frederico Naveira & Sabrina Masso, Eduardo Cappussi & Mariana Flores, Nito Garcia & Elba Garcia. Eine Generationen Show wurde das Spektakel genannt. An der Reihenfolge kann man schnell erkennen, wer mich am meisten beeindruckt hat: Ariadna und Fernando! Sie haben eine unglaubliche Show hingelegt - innig, intensiv, charismatisch, weich und voller Dynamik, einfach nur zum Schmelzen schön. Aber sie waren nur das Baiser-Häubchen auf einer Sahnetorte. Der Vater Gustavo mit seiner Partnerin Giselle hielten einen völlig in ihrem Bann, tanzten mit viel Humor und Übermut. Nito & Elba beeindruckten mit ihrer Grazie und Wendigkeit und Cappussi und Mariana natürlich mit ihrem unvergleichlichen Witz und der Ausstrahlung.
I am still speachless about the happenings of last weekend in Aarhus. The Danes are celebrating a Tango Festival there which is worth more than a glimpse. Perfect opportunity for a round of namedropping: Ariadna Naveira & Fernando Sanchez, Gustavo Naveira & Giselle Anne, & Frederico Naveira & Sabrina Masso, Eduardo Cappussi & Mariana Flores, Nito Garcia & Elba Garcia. A Generations-Show it was called. The order of names gives you an idea of who impressed me most: Ariadna and Fernando! The two of them presented a breathtaking show - intense and intimate, charismatic, soft, subtle, so sweet and beautiful you could melt! But they were only the meringue on top of a devils cake. Father Gustavo and his partner Giselle fascinated with their perfect dance stile and their humor, Nito & Elba were as expressive and agile as the younger dancers and Cappussi and Mariana were breathtaking with their unique esprit and charisma.
Federico and Sabrina might have been the weakest show dancers in this very radiant context, but I will remember them because I enjoyed their class most. They did not train us into complicate figures which you have forgotten the next day, but let us walk as a couple for a long time. The participants seemed a bit puzzled but it showed that all of us needed this walking. Even those dancers who before class began tried to show a little of their mastership. Lots of typical problems appeared: Ladies leaning backward, not keeping their feet on the ground, stepping backwards with the entire foot. Federico and Sabrina watched closely and gave good advice. I took home quite some impulses here but already have forgotten the figures I learned.
Am ehesten habe ich aber gelernt, dass solche Kurse auf Tango Festivals eher dazu dienen, die berühmten Tänzer von nahem zu betrachten und eventuell sogar ein paar Schritte mit ihnen zu gehen (habe ich mit beiden meinen persönlichen Stars Ariadna und Fernando! Ha!), als tatsächlich etwas über den eigenen Tango zu lernen. Da bringt eine Privatstunde eines guten Lehrers so unendlich viel mehr. Dennoch würde ich sofort wieder nach Aarhus fahren, um Ariadna und Fernando wieder zu erleben. Danach kann man süchtig werden!
My main lesson that week-end was that you go on a Tango Festival solely to watch the famous and admired dancers from close by, maybe even to dance a few steps together with them (which I did with my personal favorites Ariadna and Fernando! Ha!). Private lessons or a ongoing class with your own tango teacher will improve your dancing more. None the less, I would not hesitate a second to go to Aarhus next time Ariadna and Fernando are dancing there. They got me seriously hooked!
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